Monday, July 19, 2010

Unwanted Children?

This slogan sounds like nice rhetoric, but have you ever stopped to think what this really means?
Every unwanted child a dead child. 
Abortion advocates say that Abortion reduces child abuse and crime rates. Is this true? 

Abortion advocates presume that unwanted unborn children are less than, and therefore it is okay to kill them. The concept of unwanted-ness is actually the attitude of others towards you. How scary? If others determine that you are unwanted, that makes you worthy of killing? But this logic doesn't hold true for any other stage of human life than unborn: it would be unthinkable to kill a three year old who was being particularly bratty and the parents decided that they didn't want their toddler. Or perhaps this situation: would a lethal injection be a worthy solution to a teenager who was being rebellious and his parents decided that he was too much effort? Of course not. So what makes abortion a positive alternative? "It will decrease abuse because there will only be wanted children". So killing the child is better than beating it? Abortion is the ultimate form of child abuse. Does this line of logic make sense: I don't want you, I will probably abuse you, I really care about you, so I am going to abort you? The truly compassionate solution if the child is really unwanted is adoption. And for other women who feel like abortion is the only alternative because of their extreme poverty, crisis pregnancy centers and other organizations all over the U.S. are there to help in dire circumstances. A poor mother who aborts her baby is still poor, except now she has a dead baby. Is the best solution our country can come up with to advocate killing her child to solve her problems? 

Additionally, there is no correlation between abortion and a reduction in abuse. There is not a single study that supports this idea, in fact experts agree that child abuse has increased dramatically in 30 years - 330% from 1976 to 1987. Did you know that 85% of abused children are wanted children? Seems very counter-intuitive, but in fact when the parents want the child, many times they imagine a perfect family. They plan for the baby to go to Harvard, decorate the nursery beautifully and wait until Baby Perfect arrives. But when the baby does not fit his parents' perfect image when he cries and is messy, child abuse is likely. Additionally there is a 144% higher risk for women who have had an abortion to abuse their subsequent children, because of all the guilt and shame from their traumatic abortion experiences.

This idea of unwantedness actually stands on shaky ground: 85% of women initially reject their pregnancy, but by the end of their first trimester 85% to 90% have accepted it and are looking forward to their baby. It is so sad to me that many women are encouraged and even pursued to have abortions while their feelings toward the baby are mixed, and then the child is aborted before his mother ever has a chance to change her mind and reach acceptance and excitement about the baby.

Abortion reduces crime - because it reduces unwanted children. A study by Donhue and Levitt supported this idea that the legalization of abortion got the ball rolling. But actually these two researchers used flawed data and didn't separate the age groups of the offenders. Crime right decreased as a whole, but decrease happened in age groups that were too old to be personally affected by the legalization of abortion. Another study by Lott and Whitley challenged the Donhue-Levitt study and found that murder rates skyrocketed in the late 80's to early 90's = the first generation whose peers were aborted. "Essentially, the message is, if you choose death, you get death. With interest." (Randall O'Bannon).

"Unwanted" children: since when did the right to life depend on other people wanting a life? The social problems of poverty, crime and child abuse are real - but the solution for solving them is not by the people to whom the problems happen. 

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